FOUNDATIONAL QUESTIONS TRINICY: What spiritual habits and disciplines do you follow on a daily basis? RUXANDRA: I start and end every day with prayer. I usually like to read the Bible in the morning and to write down a specific Bible verse or prayer that I come back to throughout the day. TRINICY: Out of all God’s attributes, which one amazes you most? Why? RUXANDRA: His fatherly love. Knowing the fact that nothing in this world can ever separate us from His love, mercy and purpose for us is truly powerful. TRINICY: Who led you to Christ? Who are you leading or hope to lead to Christ? RUXANDRA: I was blessed with amazing parents that gave me a solid Christian education- almost as soon as I could read, I was gifted a children's Bible. After I got baptised, I consistently prayed that God would bring people in my life that I can lead to Christ- so far it has been the man who is now my husband. TRINICY: What primary talents and gift(s) has God given you? How are you using them for the kingdom? RUXANDRA: I feel very blessed to be able to do two things that I love: art and science. Ever since my teenage years I had a passion for scientific apologetics, especially in regards to the history of the earth. I have been reading a lot and was able to converse and challenge people in an area of science that is often portrayed as completely opposing to the Bible. In my art, I try to learn as much as time allows me the foundations of European academic drawing and to visually apply one of my favourite Bible verses- Philippians 4:8. I regard all my art as biblical, since through it I try to convey the beauty and light of God's creation. TRINICY: Which person from the Bible do you resonate with the most? Why? RUXANDRA: I can often relate to Gideon before defeating the Midianites. I tend to overanalyse and question things too much. TRINICY: What social issue do you care most about? Why? RUXANDRA: It is very hard to say but if I were to pick one at this moment I would say the ever increasing affinity for socialism/communism among the youth. I believe this is very alarming and shows a distorted understanding of recent history. TRINICY-RELATED QUESTIONS TRINICY: What does being a Christian mean to you? Why Are you a Christian? RUXANDRA: Being a Christian means replacing the hopelessness of your sinful nature with the hope of the Cross by accepting the gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ. I am a Christian because I have found the truth. TRINICY: What does being a Conservative mean to you? Why Are you a Conservative? RUXANDRA: For me, being a Conservative means holding on to things such as laws (human rights and freedoms), traditions, social practices, arts that are deeply rooted in Christianity. I am a Conservative because I think caution and critical thinking are necessary in a postmodern world, where misunderstood freedoms are imposed and Christianity is progressively removed from culture and the public life. TRINICY: What has your experience been like as a Conservative Christian on and/or off campus? RUXANDRA: I have not experienced much negativity for being a Christian or Conservative. Studying in Romania, specifically Eastern Romania, is still very different than in most Western countries. People are generally very religious and hold on to traditions and so there is little friction in society. Nevertheless, the word "conservative" has a stronger political connotation and requires further explanation. TRINICY: What were your first thoughts when you heard about TRINICY? RUXANDRA: I discovered Trinicy through Instagram and the selection of quotes and people immediately attracted my attention. TRINICY: What book(s) do you recommend conservative Christians read to help strengthen their faith in a secular and/or liberal setting? RUXANDRA: I would strongly recommend Love Your God with All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul by J.P. Moreland and How to be a Conservative? by Sir Roger Scruton. TRINICY: What advice or resource would you offer to fellow conservative Christians today? RUXANDRA: Be informed and read history! Once you understand how Christianity impacted the Western world you will feel more confident and assertive in formulating your arguments and answers in any given situations, both on and outside the campus. OTHER QUESTIONS TRINICY: What is an interesting/unusual fact most people don’t know about you? RUXANDRA: I used to be a glider pilot while I still lived in Romania. Great times! TRINICY: What passion or dream keeps you up at night or wakes you up in the morning? RUXANDRA: To fulfil God's purpose for me in my marriage and family first. Secondly to be able to use the gifts He gave me to serve His Church. I don't have "a dream", a singular goal that I am aiming for. Rather, I am more focused on the opportunities God gives me, one at a time. TRINICY: If Jesus were physically here now, what would you want to ask Him or talk about? RUXANDRA: The presence of Jesus alone would answer all my questions! TRINICY: What are the three greatest life lessons you’ve learned thus far? RUXANDRA: To never despair when it takes too long- God is always working His purpose in my life, even if it takes years; God always saved and protected me in every trial, even when it seemed impossible or hopeless- that is why He will always do the same; my true identity is found in obedience and submission to Christ- He created all of us as unique individuals for unique works already prepared for us in advance (Ephesians 2:10) TRINICY: What legacy do you want to leave as a Christian? RUXANDRA: I would love to be able to leave the legacy of overcoming. As Jesus said "But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33), we know that in God, we are always above life's circumstances. There is no room for fatalism, determinism and hopelessness, irrespective of the situation. TRINICY: What is your life verse? Why? RUXANDRA: Philippians 4:8. The mind is the most sacred place of worship. The thoughts we have dictate all of our actions and reactions and it is important to always choose rightly what we think most about. I see a lot of today's culture and entertainment being completely dominated by the idea of darkness and death; as Christians, we should oppose it and display beauty and purity in our lives, in our speech and in the things we create. I try to apply this verse every time I draw or paint, my main focus being to celebrate life and light. TRINICY: What is the most difficult thing for you about being a Christian? RUXANDRA: A famous Romanian writer (Camil Petrescu) wrote "the more clarity of mind, the more pure conscience, the more drama". Christians can paradoxically be the most joyful of people but also the most miserable of all: we know Christ as our Saviour and know where we are going, but we also suffer greatly for those we love and continue to reject Him. WE WOULD LOVE TO FEATURE MORE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS ON TRINICY. If you know of other conservative Christians on or off campus we could feature, please email us at [email protected].
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July 2024
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