Click the image above to watch the FULL Roundtable One of the trending words today, especially on America's campuses, is "socialism." As Christians, what do we know about socialism and how should we approach its claims moving forward, especially in an election year? Welcome to the TRINICY Roundtable, one of our initiatives to cultivate conversation among conservative Christians on and off campus on relevant topics of the day. The vide above contains the FULL Roundtable discussion on these questions. The videos below will offer shorter segments of the talk if you would much rather head straight towards certain topics. Please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel to receive regular updates on our most recent work video-wise! Your support means a lot to us! Roundtable ParticipantsModerator: Mattea Merta (Canada) Panelists: Monica Evans (Arizona, U.S.A.), Garrett Smith (North Carolina, U.S.A.), & Ruxandra Ionce (Denmark) #1: What is socialism?!?!We start our first segment with defining the word "Socialism." What is it? Let's hear from our panelists! Did we miss anything? Please share in the comments - here or on YouTube! #2: What are our top concerns?What are our top concerns as citizens and as Christians when it comes to socialism? Listen in! Do you have concerns that are not represented by the views of the panel? Please share them with us in the comments! #3: Why is socialism so appealing to the youth?Why is Socialism SO Appealing to Youth? This is a serious question! Our panelists provide serious answers. Listen in. #4: Favorite products from capitalism?What are some of YOUR favorite products produced by capitalism? Share them in the comments below! #5: Is "christian socialism" a thing?Is Christian Socialism a THING? Where did this notion even come from? What Scriptures from the Bible purportedly support this? #6: How does socialism affect the family?What is the reality and fate of the family unit under socialism? Why is even the family a threat to socialism? #7: Where did we go wrong & how can we fix it?Where have we gone wrong as a Church? What hope is there moving forward? Our panelists don't linger on the negatives. They provide a biblical worldview to help our audience keep marching on as soldiers for Christ! We hope you enjoyed watching or listening in to this discussion between some of our most outspoken conservative Christian members and leaders in TRINICY. If you are a conservative Christian and would love to join this movement, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We are looking for you and we would love to finally connect! If you enjoyed this discussion, please share the content with your friends and family, especially those who are currently on secular or secularized campuses. Questions or comments?What did you think of the Roundtable overall? Which segments did you find the most interesting or challenging? Why? Please share in the comments here or directly on the YouTube videos!
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FOUNDATIONAL QUESTIONS TRINICY: Out of all God’s attributes, which one amazes you most? Why? MATTEA: God’s grace is the one attribute that continually amazes me. His grace is a grounding point and a catapult. Grace pulls me in when I’ve seemingly failed or fallen short, yet it is what I rely upon the most to propel me when I’m in high stake situations where I don’t know what to do. TRINICY: Who led you to Christ? Who are you leading or hope to lead to Christ? MATTEA: My mom led me to Christ. I don’t know who I’m leading to Christ all the time, especially in politics. But, I do know that when you live a fully submitted life, people notice all around you. When I was little, I would pray for God to use every portion of my life. So whether it’s on Parliament Hill in Ottawa or a coffee shop in Washington D.C., I have seen God use my presence and my willingness. One way I know He’s working through me is when He stirs a person’s heart to ask questions. I wish I could lead everyone I come into contact with to Christ, but I have to remember, not even Jesus did that. So, with who I am and all that God has created me to be and do, I hope to lead the saved into a deeper knowledge of Christ and those who are not yet saved into a personal relationship with him. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 TRINICY: Which person from the Bible do you resonate with the most? Why? MATTEA: The person I most resonate with in the Bible is Esther. Esther was an orphan, a Jew, a young woman who was thrust into an uncomfortable situation to save her people. She went from the slums to the palace. She became a leader and not just any leader, but one whose heart was willing and whose reliance upon the grace of God was foundational. Esther’s story is my story. I too came from humble beginnings. Through an array of uncomfortable situations in my school years, from standing up for modesty as a young girl and being mocked for it to being kicked out of my private Christian school my graduating year for standing up for absolute truth, I grew comfortable with being an “outsider”. And yet, I see now how God was developing me, just as he did with Esther, for the road ahead. I went straight out of high school into my job on Parliament Hill, I ran for city council at the age of 20, I advise on campaigns and now, I’m moving in a direction that seems bigger than what I could have ever imagined. Many look at Esther’s story, as well as my own, and they say, “Wow, that must have been a leap of faith”, to which I reply, “You’re seeing the end result of many small steps of faith that look like a leap.” Esther saved her people and all those around her, Jewish or not, flourished because of her obedience, her willingness and her ability to take ahold of grace and run with it. TRINICY: What social issue do you care most about? Why? MATTEA: The social issue I care the most about is abortion as it is the greatest continual genocide that has been disguised as a right and supported by governments. I’ve seen the long term affects of abortion and they are never positive. Deep wounds are produced, not liberation. God deeply loves us and wants us to live in freedom, that’s how He created us - abortion fights a woman’s freedom. Abortion is a multifaucted issue as it draws in so many people, the mom, the dad, friends, family and, of course, the baby. Kids hold a special place near the heart of God, as well as to my own. Jesus came for the “least of these”, those whom society deemed unimportant, He came to those who lost all hope and He raised them up, loved them and called them His own. Our freedoms and human rights were granted to us by God, we cannot enjoy those freedoms if we cannot first take part in our right to life. Every life can make an impact in its own way because every life possesses purpose. Protecting life means protecting a person’s ability to fully live out their God given purpose. TRINICY-RELATED QUESTIONS TRINICY: What does being a Christian mean to you? Why Are you a Christian? MATTEA: Being a Christian to me means living a life pursuing Christ’s heart, to imitate him in every area of my life and to point others to Him through a life that’s been restored. I am a Christian because I cannot ignore the love that was extended to me. To reject the hand of grace that was extended out to my own insufficiencies and offers me a new way, a life of true fulfillment, would serve me with a empty life opposed to the full life that I’ve found in the grasping of His grace. TRINICY: What does being a Conservative mean to you? Why Are you a Conservative? MATTEA: To me, being a Conservative is to stand for a limited and effective government, to protect the freedoms God granted to us through legislation and to help those within society that have been left behind. It also means to be a good steward of what we have been given so that we can in turn bless more people than if we were restricted by governments red tape. I am a Conservative because I have seen people lifted and supported through Conservative policies and the opportunities that arise out of their successes. In a world where everything seems to be polarized, the Conservative viewpoint tends to lean more towards common sense and self responsibility. I also enjoy the freedom to voice my belief that bipartisanship is still achievable. I am also a Conservative because it is one of the only political ideologies that supports my freedom to worship, believe, give and serve others in the way the Bible displays for us. TRINICY: What has your experience been like as a Conservative Christian on and/or off campus? MATTEA: I cannot speak to a personal experience of being a Conservative Christian on campus but because of the experiences I have had on Parliament Hill as a Christian, I have been able to help many young people on campuses with walking out the difficult situations that challenge their faith. My “campus” was Parliament Hill, that’s where I received my secondary education. So I can say this, taking a stand in politics from the place of conviction, and not from a place of feelings and emotions, has produced the greatest joys and has challenged me to grow in areas of life that I never knew needed to be worked through. Everyday in politics, I’m faced with opportunities to let things slide or to take a stand, I choose to stand and the amazing thing that happens when I do, more people are exposed to the truth and find freedom. TRINICY: What were your first thoughts when you heard about TRINICY? MATTEA: My first thoughts when I heard about TRINICY were, Wow! I was so encouraged to see a group of people coming together to stand, to speak, to be the hands and feet of Jesus on campuses. It was exciting because of the need that I’ve seen in young people to be exposed to the truth, so having TRINICY at the very place where ideas are to be challenged and for intellect to develop is an answer to prayer for me. TRINICY: What advice or resource would you offer to fellow conservative Christians today? MATTEA: The advice I would offer to fellow Conservative Christians would be to live your life by conviction, not just a set of societal standards. Societal standards change, conviction does not. Root yourself in truth then live it out. People today are searching for validation, so when you live your life for an audience of one, people are drawn to that. Give of yourself, take a stand and speak life into the spheres of influence that you are a part of today. Value the position in life that you are in, whether you’re in school, about to start your career or you feel like you’re stuck in the mundane, there is a purpose to this season in life. Don’t diminish the development that is meant to happen in this season. If you maximize your time in the present, the things you learn now will propel you into the next season of life with greater wisdom and you’ll reach so many more people. Leave a trail of well loved individuals. OTHER QUESTIONS TRINICY: What is an interesting/unusual fact most people don’t know about you? MATTEA: An interesting fact most people don’t know about me is that I play the violin. TRINICY: What passion or dream keeps you up at night or wakes you up in the morning? MATTEA: The one dream that keeps me up at night would be the dream of being a wife and a mama, taking care of a home and my community from within the four walls of my home. I also wake up with the anticipation of “I wonder what God is going to do today”. TRINICY: If Jesus were physically here now, what would you want to ask Him or talk about? MATTEA: If Jesus were physically here now, I would like to learn how He sees, hears and thinks about the people in front of Him and in learning how he does, I too could learn to see, hear and think about them in the same way. TRINICY: What are the three greatest life lessons you’ve learned thus far? MATTEA: The three greatest life lessons I have learned thus far are that people are the most important, your job does not define you and love is worth waiting for. And if I may include a fourth, no matter how young or old you are, always honor your parents. TRINICY: What legacy do you want to leave as a Christian? MATTEA: As a Christian, I want to leave a legacy of love, compassion and a trail of people who were exposed to Jesus in me. I want to be remembered as someone who heard the roots of people’s hearts and protected them, as Jesus does. Someone who lived an uncompromised life and encouraged people to do the same because of the freedom that comes through it. We Would Love to Feature More Conservative Christians on TRINICY.If you know of other conservative Christians on or off campus we could feature, please email us at [email protected].
July 2024
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