By Dr. Gabriel B. Ndhlovu | Photo by Jeff Lemond INTRODUCTION For many conservative Christians, dealing with many ethical dilemmas seem like a daunting task. Conservatism is not based on any political alliances, but on the acknowledgment of the truth of God’s Word revealed in the Scriptures. Conservative Christians are those who base their lives on the teachings of Christ and follow the examples of His life. As conservative Christians, it is easy to feel like one is swimming against a tide that is beyond our control. Many voices seem to cloud and distort constructive dialogue on many issues. More so, the purity of the Gospel message is affected by political jargon and labels that most people do not know their origins. Every generation has to deal with its own sets of challenges and the manner in which these mountains are faced will affect how the next generation will critique the former. The songs sung during the trials faced, and the courage displayed by those who are marginalized become a source of inspiration to those who come after. It is essential to look at three key characteristics that would help this generation to deal with numerous ethical and moral challenges. MAINTAINING AN UNWAVERING FAITH IN CHRIST AND THE WORD OF GOD The Book of Daniel is full of examples of individuals who faces extraordinary situations in the most extraordinary ways. The confidence of Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego), and the faith and gentleness of Daniel serve as great examples of how we should meet every challenge in our lives. Their unwavering faith is on the God who is in control of all things and has preplanned all things. This faith is the acknowledgement of our limitedness in time and knowledge and our reliance on the eternal, perfect, and loving Father. This loving God has provided us with His wisdom on how we ought to live our lives in this world, and to face our difficulties with confidence and faith. CHOOSING TO BE THE ALTERNATIVE INSTEAD OF CONFORMING One of the greatest challenges when dealing with many moral issues in our lives and society is dealing with the approval of others. Conforming to the ever-changing views in society may be enticing, yet many of the current views have disastrous consequences. What is needed is an alternative that people can see working in their lives, and this is possible through consistent application of God’s moral foundation in our personal living. Daniel’s life and attitude demonstrated a clear contrast between those who oppose Yahweh and his faith and obedience to Him (Daniel 6). Daniel’s consistent obedience in prayer and upholding the laws of God led King Darius to acknowledge the greatness of God. What we as Christians have failed throughout history is being consistent in our obedience to God, and this has had reversal consequences to Daniel. As individuals and as a community, we should not be afraid to face the lions, but demonstrate the pragmatic nature of God’s moral law. DISPLAYING GENTLE AND LOVING ATTITUDES Much of the challenges faced involves people, and at times people with different values and worldviews. Decisions that we have to make may be different from the expectations others may have of us, or even may affect others in one way or the other. Gentleness in relating with people often helps to defuse negative attitudes, especially in dealing with moral issues that differ from the Christian perspective. A militant attitude increases animosity and does not win anyone. In the words of Virgil's Eclogues X.69, “Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori: love conquers all, let us all yield to love.” “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may
become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” - Philippians 2:14-16a
By E.J. Cox | | Volume I Issue I
Attention to Orders! Members of TRINICY, you have been recruited to the Armies of the Living God. You are entering, whether you are aware of it or not, the War of the Ages! The forces of the Devil have been allowed to ravage our educational system for too long. They have infiltrated even the highest levels of Academia. That beautiful palace, once the thinking place of great Christian scholars like Newton, Galileo, and Da Vinci, has been slowly poisoned into an atheistic, pluralistic, and anti-Christian cesspool of deceit. Many of these current scholars have for too long pushed for the destruction of the basic and inherent human rights to free speech, free thought, self-defense, and self-autonomy. We, my friends, have been called to combat this destruction of Christian morals and Christian law. We have been called to use our many great and varied gifts to bring the light hurtling back into Academia. We are that great counter-offensive which will make the Devil and those who follow his deception quiver in their boots. This will not be an easy battle. Many of us will be unfairly mocked, derided, disenfranchised and otherwise cut from society. In fact, some of us may face physical violence in parts of this world. But we must look to our Captain, Jesus, and have faith in the final victory assured to us on the Cross. Have faith and press forward the attack like the knights of old! Our cause is just, and we know that no matter the enemy or his fire, we shall press forward all the harder. “The wicked flee when no man pursues, but the Righteous stand bold as a lion” the Proverbs tell us. No matter your age, race, whether you are male or female, health or wealth, stand your ground! We must embody the spirit of the Greek soldiers who stood at the Battles of Marathon and Thermopylae. They used the phalanx formation, where one man’s shield covered the left side of the man next to him. Those men behind used their shields to help push the front men forward and kept the line from bowing or breaking. The phalanx was almost completely protected from the arrows and the horses of the enemy. The phalanx could only be broken when the Hoplites could no longer stand together and could be picked off individually. We must rely on each other to survive these dark days of intellectual and social combat ahead of us. Therefore, I leave you with these words of encouragement: Keep the Phalanx and On to Victory!
By David M. Kowalke, Jr. | @hongkongkowalke | Photo by Randy Fath
To learn how to relate with one another in a real and harmonious way, we must see the example that Christ Himself displayed, both in His very nature, as well as His manner of life. As we find in John 1:1- 13, the pre-existent Word existed with God, and also was God. At the appointed time, as stated in verse 14, the Word became flesh and lived with people and took on human relationships with His creation while still existing as God. Jesus, being God Himself, was also perfect man. John 1:14 says that He was, “full of grace and truth,” the only person to be so. Each one of us, while created in the image of God, struggles with personality traits, which, because of sin, are very much less than perfect. We are all able to act in ways that display grace and also in ways that display truth, but we are not in perfect balance as He is - full of grace and full of truth. When Jesus displayed truth, He did not set aside His ability to display grace, and vice versa. When He displayed attributes of justice - as when He drove the greedy moneychangers out of the temple - He did not abandon His love for them, nor His desire to show them grace. When he forgave the woman caught in adultery, He did not excuse the sin, but instead, forgave it. Personifying Truth He said, “Go and sin no more.” What do grace and truth have to do with relationships? Grace and truth go together like wattle and daub! You might ask what that is. Wattle and daub were used as building materials in many medieval homes, i.e. William Shakespeare’s birthplace in Stratford-upon-Avon in central England. Wattle was made up of sticks that were woven together in a lattice. It was then “daubed” or packed and smeared with a concoction of soil, clay, straw and, yes, sometimes, even animal manure. These twins bonded together to create sturdy walls that have been found to last for hundreds of years! Contrary to the person of Christ, we tend to be people of grace or truth. People of truth tend to be discerning, disciplined, and goal- and task- oriented. They also tend to be critical, say things like “But it’s the truth,” are not very sensitive to others, and sometimes see people as the obstacle to their goals. People of grace tend to be compassionate, considerate, and generous. They also tend to be naïve, undisciplined, too concerned about ‘feelings,’ and are more interested in ‘process’ than accomplishing necessary goals. If you don’t know if you are either a ‘truth person’ or a ‘grace person,’ just ask those closest to you. They already know! In fact, if they personally lean towards truth, they will probably be more than willing to give their clear and accurate opinion. If they tend towards grace, they might ‘hem and haw,’ flatter or compliment you first, and then couch their assessment, using something like, “Well, it’s just my opinion.” It is here that many relationships struggle or break down. Complementary relationships are often not between people with the same personalities, abilities, and giftedness. When disagreements and strife are displayed, it often comes from the desire of one person to have the other person be like them. Relating to one another in authentic and helpful ways comes by understanding how Christ is, how we are wired, and the makeup of one another. However, unity with peace is more than just “balancing each other out.” This might be an issue that needs attention for people who seek to be understood much more than they seek to understand. The goal of people wanting to live real relationships with one another ought not to be a search for uniformity but unity! Our goal is not to become like each other but to become like Christ, which unites us. The person who emphasizes truth does not need to try to be like the person who emphasizes grace, and vice versa. Instead, if we would yield ourselves to becoming like Christ, who is full of grace and truth, it is then that real relationships would be formed and we would experience intimacy and authenticity. How strong and tender those relationships would be! As we build the Wall of Relationships called “Grace and Truth,” it will be then that we will be behaving more like Christ. Instead of trying to make others more like us, we would treat one another as though they were more important than ourselves (Philippians 2:3). Then, the Building called “Real Relationships” would stand strong, and we, people who will last forever, will bring honor to our Example, Jesus, full of grace and full of truth! WALL #3: “PRIORITIES” (RELATIONAL BALANCE) “She says that I don’t say ‘I love you’ anymore. I said that I loved her at the altar! If it changes, I’ll let her know.” “I need to be at church every time the church doors are open!” “It’s all about the children.” “I work this much because I have to! I’ll get together with the kids really soon.” “It’s up to me to run the show.” “How can I love anyone unless I love myself first?!” “I would rather burn out than rust out!” “When we retire, that’s when we’ll have time for us.” Question: Which of these statements has the potential for disaster in our most important relationships? Answer: All of them! Before you read any further, I would like to request that you stop reading, and get a piece of paper and a pencil. I have my doubts that many of you will take my suggestion and do so, but I will pretend that many did! Now, write on the top of your paper: MY PRIORITIES. Now I would ask that you take the time you need and write down what you believe the priorities of your life are, in order of their importance. There is no need to prompt you as to content, so be as honest as you can. Name the things that are your priorities, and then in a separate list, write the things that ought to be your priorities The list of your reality might seem shocking, or discouraging. I might be wrong, but I suspect that many of you, in your attempt at the ideal description of Priorities, have written a shopping list, of sorts. Instead of milk, eggs, bread, etc., you might have written something like: 1) God, 2) spouse, 3) family, 4) church, 5) work, 6) others 7) self, or a version of that. Some have said, J esus O thers Y ourself = JOY! If this is the formula for Joy, why is it that joy is so glaringly absent in so many of our relationships? Does this oversimplify the question of Priorities in our personal lives and our relationships, or could it be that it is not simple enough? The problem with a ‘shopping list’ approach to prioritizing our lives is that one person’s priorities can vary wildly from another’s. Also, if we were to say that God was our number one priority, how could we ever get to the other things that are important in our lives? We would forever be working on that which we deem ‘God-issues’ since it is a goal that is never reached in this life, and we would never get to family, or work, or self. The all too common tragedy of neglected children by, typically, an absent-at-work father, is profoundly stated in the familiar 1974 song entitled, “Cat’s in the Cradle” by Harry Chapman. I highly recommend that everyone, especially parents of still young children, listen to the haunting song, (yes, now would be good) and especially take note of the last words in the final stanza. We are replicating what we show is important in our lives to the generation that is following. If a ‘shopping list’ is impractical, what then is the solution? How do we live our lives in a way that builds Real Relationships in a world where the siren call of innumerable voices, many being good ones, beckon for our attention? Imagine a pie - pumpkin, apple, or another. Cut the pie into as many pieces as there are priorities or important issues in your life that you need to give attention to, i.e. church, school, friends, housekeeping, spouse, hobby, family, sweetie, etc. Now, take a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream and plop it right in the middle of the pie. Look good?! Now, which piece of pie has any cream on it? The obvious answer is that they all do. Now imagine that the cream in the middle of the pie is labeled “Christ.” “He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything” Colossians 1:18. This is a better image of the problem of prioritizing our lives. Our goal is not to go from one thing on our list and then, when we have fully attended to that, to go to the next. Instead, our goal is to live a balanced life by having only one priority, the priority of Christ Himself. When we are doing what we ought to concerning each issue (slice of pie) it will be Christ only that is our priority, as it touches each issue. Certainly, to others it might look to them as though Family is more important than Church, or that Work is more important than Sweetie, etc. But if our priority is always Christ, and to honor Him, then there will be no imbalance, but instead fulfillment, peace, and joy. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving” Colossians 3:22-23. The Wall of Priorities will add peace, strength and permanence to the Building of Real Relationships. TO BE CONTINUED... Please watch out for part 3 of this series on Building Real Relationships:
By Melanie Shirey | FOUNDATIONAL QUESTIONS TRINICY: What spiritual habits and disciplines do you follow on a daily basis? MELANIE: Each day I engage in fellowship with God through the reading of His Word and prayer. I try to keep the attitude of prayer throughout the day, listening for God’s leading through His Holy Spirit. TRINICY: Out of all God’s attributes, which one amazes you most? Why? MELANIE: The most amazing attribute of God to me is His sovereignty. The Lord really drove home this attribute in my heart and this is what has helped me beyond measure during times of great trial and heartbreak, as well as through daily life in general. TRINICY: What primary talents and gift(s) has God given you? How are you using them for the kingdom? MELANIE: I believe the Lord has given me a love and talent for writing and teaching, as well as a spirit of empathy and compassion. I try to glorify Him through the gifts He has entrusted to me by teaching my children and sharing with others things the Lord has taught me and opened my heart to. I try to be there for others and listen to them and help in whatever way I can and intercede for them in prayer. TRINICY: Which person from the Bible do you resonate with the most? Why? MELANIE: King David has always resonated with me in a very special way - not so much in his outward valor and being a man of physical war, but through his Psalms. His great and candid spiritual warfare resonates with me very deeply. His struggles with doubt and despair, confusion and fear, and also his possession of a desperate spirit for God’s wisdom, protection, guidance, and comfort speak to me and my own soul. These raw and honest outpourings touch my heart on a very deep level and have helped me through times of great spiritual warfare and trial in my own life. TRINICY-RELATED QUESTIONS TRINICY: What does being a Christian mean to you? Why Are you a Christian? MELANIE: Being a Christian is the most humbling and blessed honor and most critical part of my, and any person’s, life. The knowledge that Jesus sacrificed Himself for me to cancel my sin debt is an indescribable honor. God calling His people through the power of His Holy Spirit and His sheep hearing His voice is a wonderful and miraculous part of His sovereignty and redemptive plan. That I was among those God chose to call, that He moved me to a spirit of repentance and adopted me as His own child is the most important thing about me, and being a Christian and child of God steers and drives all other parts of my life. TRINICY: What does being a Conservative mean to you? Why Are you a Conservative? MELANIE: Being a Conservative to me means staying as close to God’s Word and commands as possible. The opposite, “Liberal," comes from the word “liberation." People of this mindset feel they need to be “liberated” or freed from conservative, and Biblical, principles. I cannot subscribe to that ideal as I do not see God’s commands as something to be liberated from, but rather I see that the true freedoms people seek lie only in obedience to our Lord and His Word. Conserving and preserving God’s ideals is the pathway to a life, a family, a community, a society, and a world that has taken God’s authority and wisdom as preeminent over all other false ideas. TRINICY: What has your experience been like as a Conservative Christian on and/or off campus? MELANIE: Being a Conservative Christian can bring many sneers and misunderstandings from people. However, to value God’s Word and His commands takes priority over any opinion or adversity that may come as a result of remaining faithful to the ideal of being Conservative in God’s honor. TRINICY: What were your first thoughts when you heard about TRINICY? MELANIE: My first thoughts of TRINICY were of rejoicing that God was using this organization to foster and support Conservative Christians in various situations. My prayers are with them as they minister in the name of the Lord and His principles. TRINICY: What book(s) do you recommend conservative Christians read to help strengthen their faith in a secular and/or liberal setting? MELANIE: I would recommend Conservative Christians read Morning and Evening Devotions by Charles Spurgeon to help strengthen their conservative resolve on a daily basis. Also, New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp is a very spirit filled devotional that truly keeps one’s focus on God and conservative ideas in line with His Word. However, as Charles Spurgeon said, “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible." OTHER QUESTIONS TRINICY: What is an interesting/unusual fact most people don’t know about you? MELANIE: Most people are surprised to hear that I am a mother of nine children and a grandmother of two. God put in my heart many years ago to walk in faith regarding the size of my family. He gave me just the number He wanted me to have, and when it was His timing, He let me know my childbearing was finished through a medical situation and subsequent hysterectomy of necessity. Most people do not understand my walk of faith in this area of life. God has been faithful even through great trials to provide for all of my children. Each one of them is a miracle and blessing for which I cannot thank God enough. TRINICY: What are the three greatest life lessons you’ve learned thus far? MELANIE: I believe three of the greatest life lessons God has taught me are that He is absolutely sovereign, that there is power in prayer, and that God still performs miracles! TRINICY: What legacy do you want to leave as a Christian? MELANIE: As a Christian, the legacy I wish to leave behind is having taught my children of the Lord, to have shown empathy and compassion to those God beings into my life, and for people simply to remember that I loved the Lord my God, and prayerfully that some be inspired or encouraged by me in some way. TRINICY: What is your life verse? Why? MELANIE: Isaiah 41:10 is my life verse. One night years ago as I lay in the pit of despair drowning in tears after events that had harmed me very deeply and rendered me helpless and hopeless, the Lord whispered this verse into my heart: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed : for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” God lifted me up from that miry pit of despair then with this promise, and has not failed to do it over and over in my life. God always keeps his promises. Praise Him! WE WOULD LOVE TO FEATURE MORE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS ON TRINICY.If you know of other conservative Christians on or off campus we could feature, please email us at [email protected].
"The Fight of the Righteous" by Ruxandra Ionce ARTIST'S STATEMENTThis illustration is a visual representation of the passage from 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, which so clearly portrays the Christian in the arena of life: "We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.” We look at the world around us and at our own lives and we cannot help but feel the frustration and revolt to a cruel reality: whatever is good, noble, and righteous are aggressively attacked from all sides and we feel disabled and incapable of changing anything. Exactly like the lion surrounded by vicious jackals, we feel surrounded and close to capitulation. We can so easily give up hope and think that evil will prevail. But we know, no matter what our emotions might lead us to think, that we are never destroyed and never forsaken. When we are in complete darkness, we have the light of the Logos! We do not walk by sight but by faith, for sight can only show us a hopeless reality, but faith shows us the ultimate reality of eternity and victory in Christ! We have the Holy Spirit, we have the armor, and we have a way out! YOUR TURNDoes this illustration resonate with you as a conservative Christian? In what ways have you felt afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, and struct down? How have you persisted in the battle and continued in the fight for God's glory?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. By David M. Kowalke Jr. | @hongkongkowalke | BASIC QUESTIONS cont.
FOUNDATION QUESTIONS TRINICY: Out of all God’s attributes, which one amazes you most? Why? DAVID: While there is no one thing about God that is greater than another, the Sovereignty of God draws from me a huge sense of wonder! Since the incommunicable attributes of God are for Him alone, I cannot, nor will ever, know what absolute Sovereignty is. While God does not cause everything to happen, i.e. sin, nothing happens that He does not allow. Therefore, at the end of time, the evil, neutral, and the good will neither thwart, nor determine the Purposes of God, but He alone Wills. “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21 TRINICY: Who led you to Christ? Who are you leading or hope to lead to Christ? DAVID: I was a Senior at The American School in London, England, 1971/72. It was there I began attending a youth ministry that was begun by John and Kathy Riggs, graduates from Florida Bible College. While I had for a long time been spiritually sensitive, it was in that ministry, mainly to American high school students, that I understood, clearly for the first time, that salvation was solely by grace through faith in Christ alone. While only Christ saves, it has been my life-purpose to witness to the grace and mercy that are mine in Christ. There have been times I have been a planter, sometimes one who waters and sometimes the reaper. My goal throughout a day is to be sensitive to the spiritual condition of those I encounter. Who do I hope to lead to Christ?...any who don’t know Him!! Psalm 71:17-19 sums up my desire, as a grey-headed man, to pass on the gospel, which I responded to as a young man, to others, young and old, and to those who will respond to Jesus through them. 17 O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. 18 So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come. 19 Your righteousness, O God, reaches the high heavens. You who have done great things, O God, who is like you? TRINICY: What primary gift(s) has God given you? How are you using them for the kingdom? DAVID: There is a difference between Personality, Ability, Passion and Spiritual Gifts. It is important to know the differences and similarities between them. I am a relational person, and that is evident in my personality, abilities, and passion, both pro and con! My spiritual gifts, which I believe are given by the Spirit to believers at salvation, are pastor/teacher and mercy. I have sought to use all the ways the Lord has made me and gifted me in the ministries and other jobs I have been involved with, as youth pastor, church-planter, pastor, and Christian high school teacher. As I am retired now, as I drive periodically with UBER, I daily have opportunities to meet and talk with people in conversations that often lead to amazing spiritual encounters! TRINICY: Which person from the Bible do you resonate with the most? Why? DAVID: It must be David. Of course we share the same name, but from my childhood on, through my ‘seeker’ years and into my life as a follower of Jesus, even until today, there are many things that I look to and have learned from. It would take a long autobiographical book to unfold how the Lord has used David in my life, but I will arbitrarily pick three examples. First, I remember seeing David as a rather unimpressive person at first. I was very shy as a boy and when I would hear of David working as a lowly shepherd boy standing up to monstrous Goliath, I would wish for that kind of bravery. God steps into the one-sided conversation and challenge from Goliath to have the Israelites present their champion to do battle with him to determine the winner between the Israelites and the Philistines He says that David can ‘rest easy’, stand up to Goliath and to let Himself deliver Goliath into David’s hands. And He tells him why...SO THAT THE WORLD WILL KNOW THAT THERE IS A GOD IN ISRAEL! When this account (and no, it is not a Bible story, but a historical event) is put alongside the passage by Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, I am encouraged to see that God relishes in using foolish people, weak people, base and unimpressive people, as well as ‘dedicated nobodies’ as His tools and weapons! That means He can use me! Second, I, like most people, am aware of David’s sin with Bathsheba. When we ask, “What was David’s great sin?” the answer comes back, “Adultery!” We often forget the awful sin of David murdering Bathsheba’s husband! How could he think of, plan, and execute such a diabolical sin...the way we, too, do ours! It is the sorrow and confession in Psalm 51 that brings true and complete forgiveness, cleansing and healing to what David calls his “crushed bones”! When I see my sin the way God sees it, our relationship is completely restored! Third, David’s identity was bound up in his relationship with the Lord, not in his feelings or his failings. David was not Adulterer, nor Murderer. Acts 13:22 “...He made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, A MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART. He will do everything I want him to do.’” Who I am is bound up in Whose I am! TRINICY: What social issue do you care most about? Why? DAVID: Abortion. Every social issue should be affected by a biblical world-view, but this one will not leave me alone as that which I see to be the most egregious. I was at the March for Life in Washington DC years ago and in Richmond, VA in 2019 and I speak out when I can. We can speak the truth in love, but without love, the argument for Life will not be heard. Many of my posts on Instagram address this issue. To explain why this is so important would take more than this venue, but suffice it to say that it demonstrates how a person with a Godless world-view will “strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel”! TRINICY-RELATED QUESTIONS TRINICY: What does being a Christian mean to you? Why are you a Christian? DAVID: My being a Christian is a personal necessity. Martin Luther, when confronted on his Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura positions, said, “Here I stand, I can do no other!” I don’t define God by my experiences, and who I am. It is God who defines my experiences, and who I am. The existence of a personal God is evident, so that man is “without excuse”. It is not so much that I have chosen to accept Christ; it is that I cannot deny who He is, that He is the Creator, that He loved me enough to accept me, just as I am, and loves me enough not to leave me just as I am! A life of obedience ought to be my expression of gratitude and worship to Christ. TRINICY: What does being a Conservative mean to you? Why are you a Conservative? DAVID: We are told, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” While I believe that all Scripture was God-breathed, I also believe that the U.S. Constitution was perhaps the most well crafted document written by men. Our country was founded on God and Freedom. I believe that “government governs best that governs least”. Therefore, I believe that we should ‘conserve’, or preserve the original meaning of that document. It is not so much a Party that I am a part of. The far left (Communism) and the far right (Fascism) are both totalitarian and godless philosophies. True conservatism is best spelled out in The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. I could be a true conservative and still end up rejecting the two main parties. I will give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, but I will give to God what is God’s. TRINICY: What has your experience been like as a Conservative Christian on and/or off campus? DAVID: This question does not apply much to my experience as a conservative Christian on campus, since I graduated from a Bible college and a seminary. However, in the secular world in which we live, two things stand out to me. First, the humanist culture that is absolutely contrary to a Christian world-view displays the blind arrogance that would silence decent and respectful conversation in almost every arena. This is exemplified in many ways, such as limiting freedom of speech, controlling the dissemination of information and the attempt to act as ‘thought police’ among our youth, in particular. Second is the tightly held-to philosophy that there are no absolutes and that one cannot be sure of anything. The person who espouses this philosophy ought to be asked, “Are you sure?!!” TRINICY: What were your first thoughts when you heard about TRINICY? DAVID: The very first was, “How do you pronounce that?!” But seriously, I thought that the minds of the future leaders of the world (and of their families) are being molded and shaped, both unintentionally and intentionally. Upon the distorted altar of ‘fairness’, ‘safety’, ‘toleration’ and a personal sense of ‘entitlement’ is the pursuit of Truth, and He who is TRUTH. God does not promise knowledge or understanding to the mocker or the scoffer. But to those who would seek Him with their whole heart, He says, “they will find Me!” These young adults need and deserve our undying love and support! Cindy (my precious wife of almost 43 years) and I have four amazing children and spouses, and 9+ grandchildren who are way above average! The goal of my life is to be faithful to Psalm 71:17-19, and to invest in our children, and in our children’s children, forever! When I hear of and meet with previous students from North Raleigh Christian Academy who desire to stand up for Christ, I am in awe of the faithfulness of the Lord. 3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than this: to hear that my children are walking in truth.” TRINICY: What advice or resource would you offer to fellow conservative Christians today? DAVID: Know what the Truth is. Speak the truth in love. Love is not how one feels, nor if we like someone. My personal definition of Love that hung on my classroom wall is: “Love is wanting God’s best for someone, expecting nothing in return, believing it will probably cost you something.” Love is revolutionary. Love is “awful”! Jesus, in John 15 and John 17 said that the world will know if we are His disciples by the love we have, and that they will actually have the right to believe or reject that Jesus came in the flesh by the display of our unity! Salvation, the Christian Life and Mission are bound up in one word: “LOVE”. Nothing more. Nothing less. OTHER QUESTIONS TRINICY: What is an interesting/unusual fact most people don’t know about you? DAVID: There are a number...I was born in Hong Kong, also lived in Japan, Sweden, the U.S. and the U.K. Please Google “What is the most boring day in history?” The answer will come: April 11th, 1954. THAT IS MY BIRTHDAY! HOW RUDE! TRINICY: What passion or dream keeps you up at night or wakes you up in the morning? DAVID: Truly: How can I make a difference today and will I be able to see the purposefulness of today when I go to bed tonight? Without a life of significance, I die inside. TRINICY: If Jesus were physically here now, what would you want to ask Him or talk about? DAVID: “What do You want me to know?” TRINICY: What are the three greatest life lessons you’ve learned thus far? DAVID: Of course, impossible to answer specifically or completely, but:
TRINICY: What legacy do you want to leave as a Christian? DAVID: Wow. Legacies, like funerals, are for those who remain and to determine. However, I wouldn’t mind if it were said of me, “See how he Loved.” WE WOULD LOVE TO FEATURE MORE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS ON TRINICY.If you know of other conservative Christians on or off campus we could feature, please email us at [email protected].
By Shokyuileng Hungyo | “... The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” - James 5:16 Monica pleaded to God continuously for years for her wayward son. One day, weeping, she sought help from a bishop, asking him to do something. The Bishop after seeing the persistence of the woman said prophetically, “Go your way; as surely as you live, it is impossible that the son of these tears should perish.” The son of this woman, (not mentioned in the Bible but surely a woman of faith in God’s eyes), was St. Augustine. “Pray continually,” wrote Paul to the Thessalonians. To the Philippians he also wrote, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your request to God.” The Bible often reminds us to pray at all times not only because it is communication with God, but also because it is an act of submission to His authority. “Pray,” wrote Paul. “Pray continuously.” There is no such thing as an unanswered prayer. When we pray, it may not work out as we wish but it will surely work out as God wills and in doing so we know that He is God and He is good. C.S. Lewis noted, “I pray because I cannot help myself. I pray because I am helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time. Waking and sleeping it doesn’t change God. It changes me.” Lewis continues in his ‘No dreamer, but thy dream’; “Master, they say that when I seem To be in speech with you, Since you make no replies, it's all a dream --One talker aping two. They are half right, but not as they Imagine; rather, I Seek in myself the things I meant to say And lo! the wells are dry. Then, seeing me empty, you forsake The Listener's role, and through My dead lips breathe and into utterance wake The thoughts I never knew. And thus you neither need reply Nor can; thus, while we seem Two talking, thou art One forever, and I No dreamer, but thy dream.” Our times demand prayerful mothers like Monica, and fathers who are constantly on their knees, praying and pleading to God, as well as children in whose lips are prayer at all times. “Pray continually,” said Paul, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” prayerLord, You hear all prayers, even the groaning of the hearts. My prayer is this, Lord, that Your peace be upon Your people that we may understand Your ways. Amen. want to submit a devotional?If you are interested in writing devotionals for TRINICY, please email us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from faithful servants of the Kingdom who have the desire and talent to communicate the word of God in a way that is relevant to our conservative Christian students, scholars, staff, and supporters!
By David M. Kowalke Jr. | @hongkongkowalke | Photo by Randy Fath re·al /ˈrē(ə)l/ “Relationships” is (and “are”) everything! Of the stuff in the world, only people and the Word of God will last forever. If this is so, why is it that we invest in and spend so much time and effort on those things that are fleeting? There is a glaring lack of authenticity in the relationships that we see around us, among us, and in us. Image has transcended identity. The motto on the North Carolina Flag is, “Esse Quam Videri,” which means, “To be, rather than to seem [to be].” Relationships are all too often not what they seem to be. What seems to be is often only an illusion, and often a very elaborate one at that. “Real” is defined in a number of ways. It can be defined as, “not artificial, fraudulent or illusory: Genuine, existent, authentic.” Remember in the movie, “The Matrix” when Neo asks Morpheus if the chair his hand is on is “real”? Morpheus responds, “What is real? How do you define “real”? If it is just [your senses] then it is just electrical signals interpreted by your brain...You have been living in a dream world, Neo.” He then reveals images of what seems to be a ‘normal’ world. He changes the picture and shows him images of decay and devastation. Morpheus then announces, “This is the world as it exists today...Welcome to the desert of the real”! Could it be that the life that God designed for us to enjoy is now just a tragic distortion of what was meant to be? Have we become so accustomed to the dream, that the wonderful reality of what should be is no longer mourned for? Was the title of the bestselling book by Thomas Harris “I’m OK - You’re OK” a hollow mantra? We have strayed so far from the Garden that we have forgotten what it is like to “walk with God.” Have we murdered our relationship with our brother ‘Abel’ in our day-to-day lives because of pride and jealousy? Are we now unable to look at our spouse with the same adoring eyes that first gazed on the unique and beautiful creation that God joined together in Eden? Why have we settled for a mere mirage in our relationships with God and people, instead of cultivating relationships that are truly rich, and real? We do not need to settle in the parched “desert of the real.” Even the Word of God speaks of relationship, in the tri-unity of the Godhead, between God and His creation, and also between men and mankind. God is not interested in building monuments, except for those found in the trophies of His grace… His children (John 1:12). Jesus said that the world has the right to judge whether He came in the flesh through evidence of our unity (John 17:20-21). While the American holiday of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays are upon us, this is not a ‘seasonal message’ but rather an every-day message. People will be gathering around the table with family and friends, and many humorous as well as tragic films are made of such gatherings because of the discussions and events that take place. If we do not address the interpersonal relationships we have, we are destined to sacrifice that which is most important in God’s economy: each other! THE DIVINE BLUEPRINT FOR RELATIONSHIPS It is not surprising that God would tolerate a relationship with His creation. It is surprising that He desires a relationship with us and so He designed us, in His image, to enjoy a personal relationship with Him! Are relationships all the same? Obviously not. There are different relationships with couples, spouses, family members, friends, social groups, etc. While we are created in the image of God - because of sin - that image is marred. Because of this, all relationships are ruptured and are in desperate need of reconciliation. There are, though, some principles that apply to all relationships. If the noun “building” is used as a picture of healthy and real relationships, then the verb “building” of that Building is critical to it being a safe and long-standing structure. The foundation, the walls, and the roof are all essential to it completion. The wonderful metaphor seen in an Amish barn-raising is a beautiful picture of how relationships are built. It is only as a community of two or more come together that the ‘building of a building’ can take place in such a dramatic way. (The 1985 film Witness (R) starring Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis is a dramatic example of this). It is assumed that the owner of the new barn has laid the foundation, and it is after the walls are raised, in cooperation of those involved, that the roof can be supported. It is then that it is assumed that the owner is committed to work on completing the project. 1 Corinthians 3:9-11 "9 For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. 10 According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. 11 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." THE FOUNDATION: “JESUS” (RELATIONAL FAITH) This foundation is not found in a denomination, a sect, a statement of faith, nor a group of rituals. It is found in a Person. Whatever you think or know about the Billy Graham family, one thing that is dominant in their ministry is that the word “Jesus” comes from their mouths, perhaps as much as the word “God.” A correct relationship with God cannot be had your (our) way. It can only be enjoyed God’s way (1 Corinthians 2:12-14). It is not enough to acknowledge the existence of God. We are told in Romans 1 that the existence of God is not something to be discovered, but something to be acknowledged, since the universe itself screams, “GOD!” to the extent that all mankind is, therefore, “without excuse.” It is possible to believe in the existence and life of Jesus, but until someone places their faith in the person of Jesus as the One who became sin for them, paying infinitely for the punishment that they deserve and are unable to pay for, and that He rose from the dead to prove that the payment was sufficient, they are “condemned already” (John 3:16-18). It is not that “God has a wonderful plan for your life,” and that if you just plug in Jesus, then all will be sweet, you will find Mr./Mrs. Right, your family will ‘get it together,’ you will get an ‘A’ in physics, your job will work out, and your lost dog will come home! It is that, only by knowing the Originator of intimate and infinite relationships that we can be equipped to enjoy them as they were designed to be. It is not the existence and the example of Jesus that is in question. It is the identity of Jesus that is the issue. C. S. Lewis described it well when he said that Jesus was either a liar, who intentionally deceived people, and therefore evil itself, or a lunatic, a man on the level of someone who says they are a poached egg, or the Lord of Heaven. The option of saying that He was a “good man” is not open to us. He, then, the creator of all things (John 1:1-3, 14), is the only Foundation for Real Relationships. WALL #1: “FORGIVENESS” (RELATIONAL FREEDOM) So much of the lack of forgiveness in our lives is due to the lack of understanding of what forgiveness is, and what forgiveness is not. How many relationships are strained because of a lack of forgiveness? Who in our lives are we disconnected from and have a barrier between them and us? There are so many ruptured homes, wounded marriages, and hopeless and desperate lives because of the absence of Forgiveness. Have you heard of, or have you yourself said, or has someone said to you the statement, “I will forgive you, but I will never forget”? How long has it been since you have been freed of the burden of a wounded or broken relationship? We can be instantaneously unburdened of this load of anger and resentment. There are those who would say that one is not required to offer forgiveness to a person unless that person deserves it. This is because of their view of what forgiveness is based on. If forgiveness is based on a person deserving it, then we as sinners would not be able to be forgiven by God, because we do not deserve it! To receive grace is “to receive something that is not earned or deserved.” Here is the main issue: Forgiveness is not primarily for the forgiven, but for the forgiver. God has forgiven us in Christ His Son because it is His holy character that has been violated. The result to the offender for the act of rebellion is separation. Forgiveness is offered by the offended so that there is a way for reconciliation. Forgiveness is choosing not to keep score anymore. It is not divine amnesia! It is not that God cannot remember our sin, it is that He chooses to not hold sin against our account. This is how the “I forgive, but I cannot forget” problem is solved. Or course we can remember when someone has offended us. It is that we “choose not to keep score anymore” that we can forgive them, just as God the Father, in Jesus the Son, has forgiven us! When we forgive ‘Aunt Martha’ before going to the Thanksgiving table, we are no longer bound by anger, resentment, or self-righteousness. All this because, since we are forgiven in Christ, we can also choose to keep score no longer. So, since we don’t have to wait until someone deserves to be forgiven, we can forgive them immediately because we ourselves have received from the Lord the forgiveness that we do not deserve, either! Then our relationships can be restored, and we no longer are burdened with anger and resentment and we are free! However, remember what Forgiveness is not. Forgiveness is not pretending we have not been hurt. Forgiveness is not saying our emotions or bodies are healed. Forgiveness is not having to trust someone that might still be out to harm us, because trust is earned. Our freedom was earned and was paid for by the blood of Jesus. We have been freely forgiven! Be free! TO BE CONTINUED...
Please watch out for parts 2 and 3 of this series on Building Real Relationships:
By Immanuel Kwesi Arthur | “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”- John 15:13 KJV In John 3:16, God expressed His wonderful love for us (the world) by offering His only begotten Son as a ransom to redeem us. God had to demonstrate love to us by practically sacrificing the dearest of His heart to win us (His beloved lost sons). He lost us but, because He loved us dearly, He had to give love (His Son) in return of love (us). In sorrow, He gave up Jesus that He would win the world. The opening scripture also reveals the same love His Son Jesus had towards us. This inexplicable love was expressed through suffering by laying down His life for us in the most painful of ways. While we were yet sinners, He came willingly to endure suffering to bring us closer to the Father. The emotional torture, the beating, the carrying of the cross, the nails that pierced through His hands and legs, the crown of thorns, the blood that oozed from His body. He was wounded for our transgressions. “He bore our sins in His own body on the tree...” for us (1 Peter 2:24). While He endured all this excruciating pain, His heart was full of love. When all things were fulfilled, He said “it is finished” (John 19:30). This painful death is described as greater love for us. When you are going through pain, suffering, shame, and difficulties, and you feel God has left you after believing Him with all your heart, remember this: God is practically expressing His love through you to fulfill His purpose. When Jesus asked, “My Father, My Father, why have You Forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46), God was silent. He doesn’t need to be audible for you to know He is with you. Do not forget that the teacher, though present, is always quiet during a test. God will reveal Himself to you at the appropriate time. Amen. PRAYERThank You, Lord, for expressing Your love through suffering for me. Give me patience to withstand difficult times. Help me to always understand that my present suffering cannot be compared to the glory ahead. In all things, let nothing separate me from Your love. Amen. WANT TO SUBMIT A DEVOTIONAL?If you are interested in writing devotionals for TRINICY, please email us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from faithful servants of the Kingdom who have the desire and talent to communicate the word of God in a way that is relevant to our conservative Christian students, scholars, staff, and supporters!
July 2024
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