There is a common tendency throughout history that almost every progress in society, no matter how good and beneficial, eventually becomes overshadowed by an equal moral regression. Today, the pursuit of individual acknowledgment and freedom, as good and ethical as it may have been in its initial development phase, has led to what Karl Popper called in The Open Society and Its Enemies the “paradox of tolerance”: “unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.” This paradox is well-observed in the West, where oftentimes unlimited tolerance is required at the cost of one's own freedom of thought and expression. Christianity's role in society is systematically undermined and even denied with believers feeling more and more inhibited in publicly professing their faith.
The question arises then, Why should one include the word conservative when the Bible is enough? We therefore declare and re-affirm that our identity as Christians lies only in our Lord Jesus Christ and we believe that “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training.” We, at TRINICY, also believe one should be very careful with “isms” (any philosophical trend that ends with the suffix “ism”) as they can easily lead us on the path of linear thinking and emotional bondage. Too often we see even Christians being so animated by an idea or political orientation that their hierarchy of values and priorities is turned upside down.
We chose the word “conservative” out of mere practicality: it is the best fitting word, given the times that we live in, to describe our active position regarding many issues our society is confronted with, such as aggressive secularization, postmodernism, and relativization of truth, as well as denial of objective morality, among others. Conservatism, according to its non-political definition in the dictionary to which we adhere, implies caution and moderation.
As conservatives, we humbly acknowledge the fallibility of human nature throughout history, and look to the past to better understand the present while valuing accumulated experience and wisdom. We look at the future with cautious skepticism, being vigilant in recognizing anything that has the appearance of good but that can ultimately undermine our freedoms and rights. We “test everything” and “hold fast to what is good”: we do not want to lose anything pertaining to culture, arts, and education that has been tested and proven useful, beautiful and biblical through time. The Latin root of the word “conservative” - “conservare”- means “to preserve, to keep intact, to save.” Therefore, we at TRINICY use the term “conservative” to indicate a desire to preserve our Christian legacy and reaffirm the necessity of the Christian worldview in our society.
The question arises then, Why should one include the word conservative when the Bible is enough? We therefore declare and re-affirm that our identity as Christians lies only in our Lord Jesus Christ and we believe that “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training.” We, at TRINICY, also believe one should be very careful with “isms” (any philosophical trend that ends with the suffix “ism”) as they can easily lead us on the path of linear thinking and emotional bondage. Too often we see even Christians being so animated by an idea or political orientation that their hierarchy of values and priorities is turned upside down.
We chose the word “conservative” out of mere practicality: it is the best fitting word, given the times that we live in, to describe our active position regarding many issues our society is confronted with, such as aggressive secularization, postmodernism, and relativization of truth, as well as denial of objective morality, among others. Conservatism, according to its non-political definition in the dictionary to which we adhere, implies caution and moderation.
As conservatives, we humbly acknowledge the fallibility of human nature throughout history, and look to the past to better understand the present while valuing accumulated experience and wisdom. We look at the future with cautious skepticism, being vigilant in recognizing anything that has the appearance of good but that can ultimately undermine our freedoms and rights. We “test everything” and “hold fast to what is good”: we do not want to lose anything pertaining to culture, arts, and education that has been tested and proven useful, beautiful and biblical through time. The Latin root of the word “conservative” - “conservare”- means “to preserve, to keep intact, to save.” Therefore, we at TRINICY use the term “conservative” to indicate a desire to preserve our Christian legacy and reaffirm the necessity of the Christian worldview in our society.