If you are a mature Christian, you can help provide critical support for young Christians who are feeling isolated on their secular campuses by serving as a Mentor. Below you will find a selection of some of our Mentors' testimonials about the TRINICY Online Mentorship Program. To read the rest, please visit our Instagram page HERE.
"As someone who works in a major university campus, I see all the time that Christians and conservatives are essentially hiding their values. I’ve been wanting to engage in further outreach and support others in their faith and this is a great opportunity to do so! I think that this mentorship program could increase awareness for other young adults that they aren’t alone and there are people available to support them. My mentee is young but very mature, she is a joy to speak to and it’s been wonderful to speak openly about Jesus with someone who shares the same theological views."
- Melissa, Wisconsin, U.S.A. |
"I believe mentorship is a great tool for nurturing the next generation to know and walk in the ways of God, especially looking at the times we find ourselves in. I encourage all mature believers to join so we can help the next generation find the right path and grow in the fear of God. By the end of our weekly meetings, my mentee acknowledged and shared that the mentorship has really helped him understand the scriptures well and drawn him more closer to God and created in his heart the desire to know God more. I am really fulfilled that, by the grace of God, I can share the Word of God with younger ones and guide them make critical decisions regarding their faith and life."
- Pastor Ebenezer Obeng, Ghana; South Korea |
"I believe this is a calling, to disciple people, to share the gospel. I can't not do it, even when it's challenging. We need discipleship. It is sorely lacking in our churches. Good discipleship will help to prevent deception and falling for unbiblical ideas and false doctrine. It challenges participants to ask sincerely: "What does the Bible teach?" (for Mentors and Mentees). We don't realize how much we need it until we do it. I wish I had a mentor when I was young. I learn so much from this experience and from my mentees. I love the ladies I am paired with. It's important for us culturally. What an incredible platform and opportunity. Only God could have orchestrated it. Wow, I feel for the first time in a long time that I am being used by God. This gives me purpose."
- Samantha, Pretoria, South Africa |
"Growing up, I didn't really have anyone that could support or mentor me, and I'd like to be that resource to others as I realize how important a mentor is. Moreover, now more than ever it's very crucial that the youth have a deep root in their faith. To me, my mentee is also my friend. She can always reach out to me and we pray and support each other. It's encouraging that young people want to grow their understanding and relationship with Jesus."
- Aggie, California, U.S.A. |
"Mentorship and older leading the younger is so Biblical and necessary to keep younger generations in the faith! Especially with the increasing secularism in Western culture, Christians need each other to stay strong in the faith. Being young and learning so many things in college, it’s really important to have a Godly mentor who can help you stay on track. As a mentor, just knowing of all these other dedicated Christians around the world is so encouraging. It’s really important to surround yourself with Godly people and ideas for your own mind to stay in an honest relationship with Him. For many years, I didn’t do that and never had a mentor or anything to keep me accountable. Being able to help someone stay focused on Christ is such a blessing. And it’s so cool that God can do that from Chicago to South Africa!"
- Rachel, Illinois, U.S.A. |
"I found myself isolated from fellow conservatives after I moved, and felt how this weakened my Christian walk. I found the mentorship program in TRINICY, where I met a lot of friends and a strong community. What’s unique about the TRINICY Mentorship Program is that every single person I meet in here is already a dedicated disciple of Christ, or has a great desire to be. Also, I feel safe to express myself freely - an outlet that does a lot for my general well-being in life. I can see how my mentee has started to change, even with his identity still in a transition phase. He’s got such a strong desire to be more like Jesus, and the program helps him shift. This process is unnecessarily hard to do alone. "
- Magnus, Norway |
"At the very beginning my mentee was very quiet. As the weeks and months went by, we have been able to connect and share Christ in action. Most recently my mentee has been going through some rough events due to living in a broken world. I praise God for allowing us to connect at times of success and at times of deep sadness. I love my mentee. She is my sister because of Christ. The idea of placing treasures for everlasting comes to mind. I would highly encourage a scholar who is a Bible Believer to join the mentorship program because it will be an opportunity to connect with a fellow Christian as well as to sharpen each other in their walk with Christ. We pray for one another. My mentee has mentioned that due to the mentorship program she is more up to reading her Bible and gleaning from God's word."
- Monica, Peru; Arizona, U.S.A. |
"[I joined the mentorship program] For a deeper connection with a sister in Christ. To model a healthy marital relationship to a younger woman. There is so much in culture that is antithetical to the Bible and a joyful, peaceful life. We need to show the reality of what it means to follow Christ authentically. I'm walking alongside Brooke through an exciting and challenging time: Her final semester of law school. It's been encouraging to watch her shine in the RTs. She is very open in sharing what's going on in her life, including recent sad events. I'm glad I can pray with and for her."
- Lydia, North Carolina, U.S.A. |
"Being a conservative Christian in the U.S.A., I see the world differently. There are other like-minded Christians who don't know that they aren't alone in their thinking (especially on public campuses). I appreciate the lessons and fellowship created through TRINICY. Even if someone isn't able to connect with a local church, they will feel welcomed and connected in this program. I enjoy studying the Bible with someone who I can bond with and also be challenged by. Mentoring someone with a different culture and background has really stretched me. I can't assume anything until they share about their experience and thoughts, so I am forced to hone my skills as a listener to understand where they are coming from. The more I meet new people the more compassionate I become."
- Mikayla, Missouri, U.S.A. |
"The church seems to be falling short in the area of discipleship to younger generations. TRINICY offers an incredible platform for doing discipleship that makes the process simple and accessible. God has used my time in TRINICY to bless me with a new, young friend, who spurs me on towards love and good deeds. Through studying the Bible and prayer together, we are both growing in our love for Jesus. College can be a lonely and isolating place, especially for those entering a secular school after coming from a strong Christian background. Finding a church can be hard in that setting, so TRINICY offers a stabilizing relationship where growth and encouragement can continue. If you enjoy encouraging other believers, this is a great ministry for you to serve in!"
- Pastor Grady, Arizona, U.S.A. |
"TRINICY is a ministry grounded in the Bible, doctrinally-sound, and made up of people who are bold in professing their faith, excellent scholars, professionals, and family members. TRINICY is a very transparent organisation, enriched with the diversity and maturity of its leaders from all over the world. I think it is the very reason why God allowed us to be so diverse (culturally and ethnically): We all share the universal sufferings of Christ in very particular, individual ways, so that we can both receive and share the comforts that are promised to us. I am certain that God uses the mentorship program for this very purpose. It is a great joy and encouragement to see a beautiful young lady being so intellectually inquisitive, so strong and immovable in her faith. Her life experience and background echoes my own experience in many ways and I am certain we will build a long-lasting friendship."
- Ruxandra, Romania; Denmark |