By E.J. Cox | | Volume I Issue I
Attention to Orders! Members of TRINICY, you have been recruited to the Armies of the Living God. You are entering, whether you are aware of it or not, the War of the Ages! The forces of the Devil have been allowed to ravage our educational system for too long. They have infiltrated even the highest levels of Academia. That beautiful palace, once the thinking place of great Christian scholars like Newton, Galileo, and Da Vinci, has been slowly poisoned into an atheistic, pluralistic, and anti-Christian cesspool of deceit. Many of these current scholars have for too long pushed for the destruction of the basic and inherent human rights to free speech, free thought, self-defense, and self-autonomy. We, my friends, have been called to combat this destruction of Christian morals and Christian law. We have been called to use our many great and varied gifts to bring the light hurtling back into Academia. We are that great counter-offensive which will make the Devil and those who follow his deception quiver in their boots. This will not be an easy battle. Many of us will be unfairly mocked, derided, disenfranchised and otherwise cut from society. In fact, some of us may face physical violence in parts of this world. But we must look to our Captain, Jesus, and have faith in the final victory assured to us on the Cross. Have faith and press forward the attack like the knights of old! Our cause is just, and we know that no matter the enemy or his fire, we shall press forward all the harder. “The wicked flee when no man pursues, but the Righteous stand bold as a lion” the Proverbs tell us. No matter your age, race, whether you are male or female, health or wealth, stand your ground! We must embody the spirit of the Greek soldiers who stood at the Battles of Marathon and Thermopylae. They used the phalanx formation, where one man’s shield covered the left side of the man next to him. Those men behind used their shields to help push the front men forward and kept the line from bowing or breaking. The phalanx was almost completely protected from the arrows and the horses of the enemy. The phalanx could only be broken when the Hoplites could no longer stand together and could be picked off individually. We must rely on each other to survive these dark days of intellectual and social combat ahead of us. Therefore, I leave you with these words of encouragement: Keep the Phalanx and On to Victory!
1 Comment
Ionce Augustin
12/3/2019 01:52:58 pm
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.
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July 2024
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